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Today’s show was all focused on the mole! And we see the damaging fall out Rima left with her ‘secret mission’ handgrenade.

The speculation finally ended when all the housemates pretty much decided the mole was Brigitte (even Brigitte chose herself to prove she’s not the mole!!) And yes, we’re at home laughing at the poor people accusing each other of being moles.  I thought they would take it easy after Rima told them there was no mole, but Bianca pretty much blew up, took her rage against the washing of Terri’s. Crash it went into the ground. RARA! Most housemates took it easy. Ben was complaining that it’s psychological torment! You’re in a house, you’re like guinee pigs. You must suffer 😀 Watching people suffer like this is interesting, but you still feel bad in a little way.

Brigitte is so fake, that she’s not. It’s good that the housemates know she isn’t fake! I sense the housemates will outrage when they realise they wasted the vending machine money on crappy clues.

Nothing much to talk about. It’s gonna be a boring house until Pamela Anderson comes in.

Long night yet again! Most of the daily show forgotten because its lack of fun and variety!

Rory teaches Travis the trade of brick laying! Using sand as the cementing medium, Travis attemps to be professional!  They were using the blocks of money as bricks, which I found amusing to use. Only if I had a house made of those $.$

Waiting for the train…for the week. A boring task many people do everyday. Today they waiting to go to the beach. Ben and Alice had an interesting ‘roleplaying’ situation where Ben was acting as Cherry. ‘Chicks are chicks’ ‘I’m just cruising’ I found that really funny to watch. Very amusing Ben!

Off to the henparty the ladies go…they are happily waiting, Brigitte bagging out Terri for not wearing a dress. Rory and Travis come out in workman clothes and strip down…well Rory had his gstring whereas Travis had ROry’s on his pants like superman. I laugh at Travis’s attempt at stripping. It was so fail.

I was surprised the housemates were playing ‘Have you ever.’ I’ve liked played this game once, and its quite cool 😀 THe housemates were saying ‘I’ve never had sex with slippers on’ ‘I’ve never did someone to an ex’s house.’ Really weird questions, maybe normal for their age…just too many sex questions in general. Terri having to eat so many peanuts since she did everything most housemates never had done. Terri is actually you know what =o Ben and Bianca getting closer. The couple IS GETTING IT ON 😀

Friday Night Live. Theme: Spy Night. To celebrate the new movie Get Smart, the winner of tonights game is able to invite 3 other housemates to watch the new MOVIE!! After seeing some previews, I really wanna see it 😀 Might go next weekend.

Anyway housemates. All dressed up as secret agents! Off they went! Terrence was out of the games, yet again. Last games probably! First game was Phone Shoe throwing. Teams of two. Girls vs Girls. Boys vs Boys. One was the dog, one was the agent. THe dog had to give the agent a shoe phone, which had to be thrown through doors that opened and closed. Team with most shoes thrown in advances. So Brigitte and Terri verse Alice and Brigitte. Terri was beasting it but Brigitte’s throwing was not up to Alice’s. Then come the boys’ turn…man it was dirty dog fighting! Cherry played dirty and hindered Travis from getting the shoe phones. Well we all knew that Travis was gonna lose that game but Cherry had to make it worse. T_T

Losers were given another chance, like always. The task was to dress up. Teams of two. One was the ‘model.’ The other was the ‘dresser.’ The Dresser had to put on a trench coat, moustache and hat onto the ‘model,’ however, the dresser had to put on the clothes with their mouth, and the model had their hands holding newspapers and a shoephone. Travis and Terri vs Brigitte and Rory. What was funny was when Travis went to put Terri’s moustache on and Terri slipped her tongue out for a pash. I don’t know if it was a genuine one, but you could see she wanted it. Anyway FNL hosts classified it as Travis’s first pash. Poor Travy! Anyway, Brigitte and Rory finished their job the fastest, getting back into the game.

Next game was Ticking Time Bomb Volleyball. Volleyball with baloons that had green goo in them. Rules are as simple as Volleyball. Rory Brigitte and Alice verse Cherry Ben and Bianca. Cherry tried to carry the team, but ended up making his team lose. They weren’t out yet..Cherry Ben and Bianca were given a second chance to get back into the games, by disarming a missile. Taking turns, they pulled out wires, the person who pulls out the wire disarming the missile gets back into the game. They had a funny rock off system to decide order. Bianca rocked off with Ben, Bianca winning and then Bianca rocked off with CHerry…Cherry won. Very systematic approach I say. Even the hosts were puzzled.

THe next game was the file mission. In teams of two, the agents had to go across a narrow ledge around a building, then speed through town collecting symbols for the code they had to remember from the beginning of the obstacle course, then to the safe where they had to put the symbols in order, to open the safe to get the secret file. Alice and Rory were first. They didn’t really go on the narrow ledge, jumping off onto the cars below…that’s what we saw…green screen effect!! First ever on FNL!!!! They got penalised 20seconds…EACH! So pretty much meant Brigitte and Cherry won. They did it properly, and won :D. I thought they would forget their code.

Last game was SNAP. As big hands, they played snap. This game was pretty funny. Cherry wins like two hands. Three hands to win FNL. So after Cherry wins two. Brigitte just jumps every time a card is put down. It looked really funny! I laughed my head off :D. Sadly, when she was recovering, Cherry snapped and won. Damn!

Cherry wins at last, after showing some very crappy attempts at trying to win! Well earned. And how characteristic of the him to win the deceptive and secret spy night games! He takes Bianca, Brigitte , Terrence to watch the movie. How nice 😀

Also, I cannot beat belive Nobbi lost to Bree Amer in the ‘Are you smarter than a Bree Amer’ game. Nobbi still creating laughs,as he thought it was a rhetorical question. 😀

Yet again we have another boring daily show. The housemates attempt to ‘replace’ Nobbi but really fail, and cause Terri and Terrence to be upset,although the both tried to endure the night all soaked. Cherry and Ben were cooking up a plan, getting to have smells wafting into the kombi…smells of cooking prawn heads or burning hair..yuck! Anyway, BB told them off. What i forgot to say yesterday was that they also threw flour in. Bad bad housemates. Housemates were banned from doing pranks directed towards the kombivan. Every cloud has a silver lining! Terrence and Terri were able to clean out the kombi, cleaning up Nobbi’s mess =o

Pissed as Terri was, on the way to the showers, Terri screamed words such as ‘ITS A GOOD MORNING TO SUN BAKE!!!’ I thought it was good of her to retaliate. Pissed the housemates because they got to sleep at about 6am. The sun came up it seems.

The Family Dinner was the only hightlight of the evening. Housemates discussed who would be the last two housemates , seeing as their favourites Renee and Nobbi were evicted. Most responded with Terri/Travis…and the occasionaly Brigitte…most people not wanting to Brigitte be in the last two but think she will. I think she will. I hope Travis goes soon. He’s just too weird. Other topics were who is under the radar? Alice and Ben picking each other, like always, Brigitte agreeing with Ben. Yes I’ve noticed Alice doing nothing in the house! LIKE NOTHING! Rory then says that Alice was either exercising or cleaning. Never doing anythingelse! Rory picks Travis, for not venting…Travis taking it as a compliment…

The train spotting. Bianca and Alice were on some sightseeing. They examined the wild housemates in their natural habitats. Predators came out of the house! They took a fancy at looking at the ‘Cherry,’ commenting on his body. Then they were waiting for ‘Cherry’ to accidentally undress…but the opportunity never came.


Tonight was a big night, with rock and roll FNL!!

As the shark task has been going on as a decoy, Nobbi and many others have been part of the secret Moon Monks who worship the moon everynight at 2am. Knowing that failing the shark task will not affect the outcome of the task, Nobbi decides to sabotage the task even more.First he left the canoe at the laundry, filled wit water with the cow riding in it. Ben and Travis were going to save them from the shark attack, but then had to pull the canoe all the way to the beginning them row, obviously the fail, sound effects of dieing people showing their failure. SO now we have Terrence the guard of the canoe, to stop Nobbi from sabotaging.

Nobbi just runs into the canoe, Terrence Rory and Travis tell him to get out, even capsizing it. Nobbi wouldn’t leave, then the alarm came on, so Ben and Cherry just sat on top of Nobbi and tried to row, with other housemates restraining Nobbi from sabotaging. I think someone chucked flour on him. The whole thing is hilarious. The ones that don’t know think Nobbi is being mean….yes only to be revealed later….that it wasn’t the week’s task. They should be happy they don’t even have to do anything to pass the task, except try for the shark attacks.

Moon Monks, Bianca has recruited Terri and Brigitte. Brigitte is pretty please that she got recruited, since she was so curious about what they were up to. I think she realised that one side of the bed randomly were out of bed in the middle of the night. Anyway, its Nobbi, Bianca, Cherry, Alice, Terri and Brigitte. That’s six people. More than half the house outside, leaving Rory Ben Travis and Terrence. I wonder if they will fail the task for the housemates. Who knows…if they recruit anymore, its just gonna be stupid. Or they could try…leaving one housemate in bed room. It would freak that housemate out.

Oh yes, we have Terri comment on Nobbi’s eyes and wondering how he can see through them ,saying they were ‘slits.’ THe racist comment everyone thought, ended up telling Terri to shut up, but Terri defends herself saying she wasn’t being racist, then she asks that talking about her arse is bad. Then she says that Terrence goes ‘you can tie a shoe lace around his eyes and he will be blinded.’ The whole thing was funny, especially Terrence’s comment. So then Terri brings the situation to Nobbi, saying how she said his eyes were ‘thin’ when she said slits in the bed room. Poor Terri XD Racist as you are, can’t stop you. Nobbi obviously doesn’t care =p Legend!

FNL, HEAVY METAL NIGHT!! Very Very BLACK and EMO! Indeed. Terrence was out of the games, yet again.

First round was girls against girls and guys against guys in a sliding competition! THe further you slide, the more points you score. Top 2 girls and top 2 guys would advanced to next round. The girls were very crap…they didn’t even run up. Don’t even believe Brigitte got 3 points! The guys were just as bad, but Nobbi just owned it the first go like a pro, skidded all the way to the end, automatically going into the next round. Rory had a good attempt, went around half way. THen here comes Cherri, the supposed surfer, and just stacks it so early, at 2 points…where most of the girls scored. How shameful! Ben was just as bad XD And yes Travis…well he did VERY BAD. As expected. So winners were Alice, Brigitte, Rory and Nobbi. But for the losers, they had their second chance.

Basically, two housemates were able to get into the next round. So the game was spinning them around and then kicking a drum onto a target to score points. This game was hilarious. They spun the housemates around10 times, then allowed them to kick the drum. Bianca was just hilarious to watch. With her huge boobs, she nearly knocked out the ninjas trying to spin her. Then comes trying to kick the drum, she wanders right past it and then go backwards and lands on her bum. Action Replay because it was soo funny. She missed the DRUM! Anyway, surprisingly Terri and Travis were back in the game.

Next game was ‘Iron Maiden’ Yes take the literally meaning and you have the game! Teams of 3, one was the person on the ironing board, one person was the iron. The iron had to navigate the ironing board around the ‘heavy metal’ to the maiden, who would then navigate the ironboard with the iron on it to get clothes into a basket that the maiden would give to the ironboard person, then cross the finishing line. First were Nobbi, Alice and Terri. They kinda cheated, missed a heavy metal to weave around then Nobbi putting the bra in after crossing the line, they got penalised 10seconds, which was very lenient. Funny thing about their run was how Alice was trying to get ontop of Terri, and just fell off. They were no match to Brigitte Rory and Travis who ‘steamed’ their way to the next round.

Nobbi, Terri and Alice were not out yet! They had one chance to get back in the game, in….Pin the Tongue on the (insert name of Kiss guy with the long tongue) game. Simple, spin the person around blindfolded, then stick the huge tongue on the face. Nobbi failed epically, considering he went first. I was sad when I knew he was out of the games. Wanted him to win for the fourth time before he goes on Sunday T_T Alice felt the side of the walls, then put the tongue on, was on the left top of the mouth. Terri had the same strategy but she walked towards the cameraman, felt him and the camera, then the assistant with the mic, then she felt her way back to the wall, then put her tongue on the face. It was very close, but Terri won!

Next round was the Air Guitar Championship. nothing to it but doing Air Guitar to get into the finals. Judging Rory Brigitte Terri and Travis was the Qld Representative for the National Air Guitar Champs…weird Championship but whatever, it was fun watching them go spastic with the music, guitaring on the floor and kinda humping the floor too…all the contestants were into it. Terri was beast =p Rory got a crappy 7, Brigitte goes a cool 9, TRAVIS got a whopping 10, and Terri with an 8. So Brigitte and Travis in the finals. Wooo! The two stupidest housemates in the final of FNL!

Last round was bashing their way to get their reserve tickets! They had their guitars and had to bash a few amplifiers, which had a key, needed to open the backstage door, which led to the ticket. But there were 5 keys, and only 1 key fit the door. So off they started, Travis bashed the amps like a girl, Brigitte was surely winning. Brigitte was first to the door, and luckily she found the right key on second try, winning FNL for the first time ever! Good of Brigitte! Poor Travis, being 2nd three times XD

Anyway her prizes, same as always plus able to invite 3 friends to watch the movie Brigitte claimed to be her favourite of all time ‘How to lose a guy in Ten days.’ She picked Terri Alice and Travis. Terri was happy, saying that Brigitte actually loves her. Travis was just escstatic about the movie….like really…you’re a guy, how to lose a guy in ten days only works if you’re gay, and you’re not gay as you say Travis T_T

Other movies the housemates could’ve watched were:

Nobbi:American Beauty, Travis: Devil wears Prada, Terri: Beach(wanna tell me what this movie is??!?!),  Alien vs Predator was someones, Notebook……forgot the rest. That’s all for tonight. Nobbi didn’t win. RAGE!!! I should criticise the way BB made sure Nobbi lost. In the pin the tongue on the wall, Nobbi was put first, when clearly it wasn’t fair! RARA! Anyway g’nite!

Tonight’s daily show was quite fun to watch.

Vending machine. Nobbi decided the things he would get from the vending machine. He got a boxing kit, for fitness and anyone who wants to train. Then he got the hair straighter, so the girls would shut up of course. Then he got the wine and steak dinner for two, and he decided to give it to Terrence and Brigitte to share. Obviously this dinner was going to be interesting.

Both Terrence and Brigitte dressed up. Terrence in his suit with spunky hair! And Brigitte with her short skimpy skirt! Both went in, the other housemates trying to peek at the dinner. Bam the diary room door closed, and it was just two. Terrence insisted in fixing Brigitte’s chair when she just sat on it, not wanting him to touch it. Terrence persisted, then Brigitte moved Terrence’s seat towards the lounge room door. Haha, funny Brigitte. Their dinner was quite weird. Being in their business type suits, Terrence proposed that they take part in establishing a dance, modelling and elocution college. No kidding Brigitte asked what elocution was. I didn’t know XD So we find out its the pronounciation of words. So Terrence demonstrated how to say ‘Ewwwwww’ in a nicer and acceptable way. Then they just rambled with other words and phrases, always back to the ‘ewwww’ in the nice way.

Bianca and Nobbi were called to the Diary Room, and were told they needed to recruit another member into their society of Moon Monks. Target- CHERRY! So they tried a few times to tell him what they were doing, and how it related to the task. They had to kick out Travis of the kombi, to allow Cherry in. Travis respected their decision and ran off, whilst Brigitte was keen on what they were talking about. The Kombi people started talkking until Brigitte made a racket outside. Everyone told her to go away, but she persisted to listen. Then disbanded! Again Nobbi attemped Cherry of their plans, by going to the toilet, only to be stalked by Brigitte! Time and time again, she was told to bugger off, but came back, hoping to catch something. Nobbi told Cherry about it all, and they were gonna meet at 2am. Talk to Bianca etc.

Before sleeping, Terri asked Bianca where her powder from her bag dissappeared to. She didn’t know. So Terri, decided to steal Princess Sparkles, telling Brigitte to return her powder, so Terri ran out of the bedroom, Brigitte pursuing! Seems Brigitte was willing to give back the powder, so it was kinda mutual until they turned it into a wrestle. Of course I was rooting for Terri to come out on top!

Ok, housemates were still up at 1am…big problem for the moon monks. Bianca hurried people into bed, telling Travis to change quicker etc. Everyone got into bed, when it was close to 2am, Bianca told Cherry to help her, as she said earlier to everyone else, so they went out to the Kombi to get changed. They all got changed into their robes. THen at 2am, they did their handshakes and ritual. ‘We love you moon, we want to visit you soon’ I’ll learn the ritual soon 🙂

Then back in bed, Bianca and Benny having some fun! Holding Hands =o

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