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Big Brother is all over for now! Terri has taken out BB08. Gratz to Terri. Gratz to Rory and Ben as well.

One thing I want to mention was the fact that they wanted to show voting percentages with faces only once, but then they decided to show them again. This changed the voting, against Ben’s favour. I thought showing the faces was unnecessary and probably showing them twice helped Terri win the money. Speculation on forums say that the shows being bias to Terri. Maybe it has been but the voting percentages and faces shouldn’t have been shown.

Last year for BB on Channel Ten. I guess we will see BB somewhere on Aussie TV in the near future. Thanks to for provision of all images used in my posts. Thanks to the show for hosting another successful season. I enjoyed it alot. Will be the most memorable of course.

I didn’t catch much of the daily show, and there really wasn’t much anyway, since it was half an hour only. Boring housemates indeed =/

Double eviction tonight, and I’m happy Alice was out first. About time the treadmill got a break.

Then Travis got evicted.Interesting Final 3…Terri, Rory and Ben!!

Terri’s favourite to win but looking at the eviction system, Ben and Rory fans will probably evict off Terri, so I don’t think Terri will win. So my bet is between Rory and Ben, and I have to say Ben will win. But who knows, I’m not sure, anything could happen! Find out tomorrow with the massive finale.

BB website down so can’t get any images up.

Skip Cherry’s farewell message. His housemate grenade is the ‘Big Sting,’ a fake snap eviction! BB is not letting the housemates easy this week. Each housemate must vote one person to evict, and person(s) with the most gets ‘fake’ evicted. This was really gonna do their heads in! Alice chose to evict Ben, Ben chose to evict Alice, Rory chose to evict Travis. Whilst Travis and Terri were waiting, they were thinking about the grenade and thought it couldn’t be a snap, after a proper eviction. They were so wrong to think so!

Terri voted for Travis and Travis voted for Terri. All in the eviction room, one by one housemates were saved but Alice wasn’t. She was so distraught she left without hugging into the BB plane. In there, she was RUNNING A TREADMILL. OMG CANT BELIEVE YOU STILL WANT TO RUN WHEN YOU SHOULD JUST HAVE A BIG CRY FOR A LONG TIME!! Anyway, other housemates feel really bad, and feeling bad for Alice. The housemates actually think Alice has been evicted. Alice even had her housemate message too! And a house grenade!! Not good for  Rory,Ben,Travis and Terri!

Rory and Terri voted Travis for the prizemoney use reason! Ben voted Travis for ‘least affecting him if he left,’ and Travis didn’t change his vote. All of them realise this snap eviction is inhumane! I agree in some respects but what did you do with Terri on the first night? So Travis is getting evicted but wait ITS A FAKE ONE! Travis gave an eviction video. The after he was reunited with Alice. They both reckoned this snap sucked..of course who wouldn’t? Anyway BB then told them they are not evicted, and both of them burst into laughter and tears? ‘Do we laugh or cry’ Alice said to Travis. Travis was so ecstatic. In Travis message, there was no message. In another video, Travis and Alice deliever the grenade, behind the roller shutters, where they would be reuniting them!

All reunited as happy housemates!! yay!! Into the diary room they were called. ANOTHER EVICTION PLEASE! Big Brother said his apologies  for messing with their minds. He said ‘This was an exercise to reveal more of your character to the people who are voting.’ Of Course that’s good reason to do so. Rory was not happy when he saw Travis and Alice. Pissed off at BB so much!

That’s all really. Who will win? It’s a battle between Rory and Terri if anyone.

The housemates are getting closer to the end but BB isn’t going to make it easy for them.

With Brigitte’s new handgrenade, Rori got served his lunch by BB. Mmmm…delicious steamed vegetables with rice and pine nuts. It’ll be hilarious if Cherry wins FNL again cause as the Head of House, he can’t help Travis again and it’ll be more Travis cooking. BB warned the housemates many times that they’re not allowed to assist Travis in anyway but they just can’t help themselves I guess. Terri helped cook the rack of lamb and Cherry was cooking the steaks …bad move guys.

As a result, BB confiscates the food so the housemates tried to take a bite before they had to take it to the diary room but BB is like “Any housemates who partook in the food are to spit it out.” Travis is of course taking a posimistic attitude saying that at least he’ll get to learn to cook really well this week. How typical, BUT Travis got a bit out of character, he got annoyed at nanna Terri (though he didn’t admit it) cause she was criticizing his efforts to cook and wasn’t giving him the support he needs.

BB gave Ben and Travis a task as the younger housemates, to help the oldest housemate fit in by giving Terri a makeover!!! They had to make her walk, talk and look like an EMO. HAHA, her expression was priceless. When they finished the makeover, Terri did a little show outside the cloud door in the backyard. She was like, “My mum hates me, my dad hates me and I got kicked out of my house.” She even gave the housemates the finger when Alice booed her and Terri called her a blonde bitch. ROFL. Emo Terri. Then to the diary room where BB asked how she felt and she said, pretty crap. Then she recited a poem:

My time in the house has been nothing but sad,
And all ever I wanted was to be really really bad.
Yesterday was Day 73,
And BB will never understand me.

Bravo Terri, you guys passed the task.

It’s circus night *cue circus music*
Tonight is a free-for-all with a point system in the games and the winner gets a 42 inch plasma TV. 😮
The housemates are dressed up as clowns and, of course, have massive shoes.

The first game was Pie Face. Each housemate had to carry to cream pies through an obstacle course. They had to step through two hoops, go through a small door, over and under some bars, through another hoop and dive through the final hoop, ending with the slamming of the cream pies into two cardboard clowns. Sadly no stacks despite the massive shoes but Terri was struggling so badly. She could hardly get her legs over the hoops cause she’s so short. HAHAHA. Rori ended up being the fastest in 17 seconds and got 5 points and Terri was slowest so she got 0 points. Awww.

Second round – Kissing Booth. RARARA.
They did this game before on FNL. I remember it.
So one housemate is blindfolded and the rest of the housemates choose one of themselves to go and kiss the blindfolded housemate anywhere on the face except for the blindfold.
Alice is first. Housemates picked Terri. A light peck on the cheek and Alice could tell it was a female so obviously, it was Terri. Ben next. Cherry was the kisser. Another kiss on the cheek. But Ben actually recognised Cherry’s aftershave and guessed him from that?!?! Is Cherry one of those guys that uses aftershave in massive amounts? Cherry’s up and Ben volunteers to return the favour. *Moi*. A kiss on the cheek but alas, he guessed Alice. I wonder if Alice is has, like, a stubbly chin? Hmmm….
Rori now and again Ben volunteers. Is it just me or is a trend popping up? Rori had his mouth open…HAHA…tempting to go for a full mouth pash but still cheek. He guessed Travis. Nanna’s time to get kissed. It’s Rori and to be honest, I was actually hoping that he would be brave enough for some tongue action but a kiss close to the lips let Terri guess it was Rori. Travis was last and Cherry was gonna deliver the final kiss but ended up giving him a lick on the cheek. Travis gagged a little (Try a breathmint Cherry) then licked Travis’ nose. HAHA…Travis guessed right. Correct guesses were worth 5 points.

Third Game – Musical Chairs
Similar to the previous games like on Heavy metal? night with the microphone + stands but this time, they actually played musical chairs with chairs. And i hope everyone knows what musical chairs is…
Anyways, first round and Terri is already out. I don’t think she even tried cause she was barely in the circle by the time everyone was already sitting down. Second round got a bit violent between Travis and I think it was Alice? He tried to get Alice off but couldn’t =( Next round said bye to Alice while Cherry just grabbed a chair and ran away with it before he sat down….very good strategy. Down to the three boys and then it got interesting. Cherry did his strategy again but Ben and Rori were fighting over the other chair. Rori was about to sit on it but Ben grabbed it so they started wrestling for the chair. Rori had Ben in the doggy position ….too much CLOWNING around I think….but again…anyone seeing a pattern emerging with Ben? Well, final round saw Ben slip a little, giving Cherry a slight lead, allowing him to get the 5 points.

Game Four – The Great Escape.
The housemates have straightjackets on (not really, more like white lifevests) and have one minute to escape from them. They have eight keys in their hand and two locks on the vest which are opened by two different keys. If they didn’t escape in the minute, they get slimed. Once they do escape, they run to the table in front of them and grab a disc with points on it and yell something like “I am the greatest Houdini.” Surprisingly, Terri’s slow and steady allowed her to get free first by quite a margin. I think Alice was the only other person to escape but they all ran away when BB said time’s up and Rori was the only one who actually stayed seated and got slimed. LOOOL.

So the point tally is: Alice – 13 Ben – 12 Cherry – 9 Rori – 8 Terri – 10 Travis – 7
Last chance recovery for the three lowest-scorers as they eat for the final spot. Mmmmm…custard pie. Rori was eating it pretty slowly. Probably savouring the taste cause it’s the best meal he’s gonna get for a long time. Travis and Cherry were ravaging through their custard pies and it was a really tight finished but the winner was TRAVIS!!!! What an upset. Guess Cherry will help with the cooking this week.

Round Five – Clown Head
They competed in pairs in two separate rounds. Ben vs. Alice and Terri vs. Travis.
The housemates had a funnel around their necks and had to collect balls that fell from these tubes that came out of the clown heads. Kinda like the game where you put balls in the clown’s mouth but in reverse. There were four tubes and Alice had to get blue balls while Ben got the red balls. There was no penalty for getting the other colour and sometimes, water ballons came down. To be honest, it was a pretty boring game. Not much excitement…Ben won with 13 balls, Alice had 11. I hope that 13 jinxes him in the finals. I wanna see Travis win.
Second round of this game. Travis vs. Terri.
I’ll be honest again, this seemed pretty rigged cause Travis took the two tubes on the left, Terri the two on the right. Although the housemates don’t have to stay stationary so I guess it’s not really rigged…but Travis’ side had so many more balls. In the end, Terri had 7 blue balls while Travis had a whopping 23 red balls.

Final Round – Circus Putt Putt
It’s just as it sounds. Ben and Travis had to putt a golf ball through the obstacle course and get it into the hole at the end. They could have as many putts as they wanted but they weren’t allowed to push the ball, hockey-style. Ben got ahead at the beginning which meant he unintentionally blocked Travis a bit so he struggled a little while Ben raced through the rest of the course and won FNL + the plasma.
OMG….the trophy is so creepy looking. It has these three jester type dolls with bobbly heads…that is just so creepy to me…especially at night. Clowns are scary. >_<

LOL Ben might be Head of House but he still has to stay outside the house. But BB isn’t fully slack. Tonight he can use the showers to clean up for Pamela Anderson. BB is so crushin on her.

I leave you now with a quote from Cherry.
Dating is like feeding rabbits. You gotta give them(girls) a little bit at a time.

It’s today!!!! Finally Pamela Anderson is coming into the house.

But first, the daily show. We start today with more task time…again. Ben and Brigitte are singing while they’re doing the dishes and *click click* even Alice stopped her workout to help out. And for what? An absolutely ugly Amy Winehouse pops into the rewards area, not that the real one is all that good looking. Here, see for yourself.

It’s time for the vending machine. This week, they could get coffee, an inddor tennis set, a message for Terri from her hubby and a professional hair stylist to cut, colour and style Alice and Brigitte’s hair. This also included hair products for the house. You’d think that Cherry, as head of house, would get the hair package just for the products but surprisingly, he gets the indoor tennis set for the boys and nanna Terri’s letter. AWWW…how sweet. Terri goes off to read her letter alone but the housemates eventually com over and Brigitte remarks that “It’s only one sentence” ROFL. Brigitte obviously feels ripped off and is all sulky so Rori starts mimicking her and calls her a sook so Brigitte decides to be evil and pour chilli powder in Rori’s locker. MUAHAHAHA. So evil.

BB decides to make a deal with Alice and Brigitte because he doesn’t like cancelling appointments so the girls can have their hair stylist ^.^ …….if they give up their treadmill. Obviously Alice would never do that, so too bad =(

You can see their BROWN roots

Ben is washing the dishes again…and washing himself too…EWWW. He had the pots near his armpits so some of the water he washes himself with his bouncing into the pot and then the plates get the water from his chest…I hope he doesnt plan on washing anywhere below the waist. But of course, BB can’t let Ben waste anymore water. BB tells all the housemates to go to the lounge EXCEPT Ben. Then BB starts to close the shutter doors they have for house lockdowns but Ben sneaks under them whilst they’re closing. BB stops them halfway and says to Ben that he’s not invited. LOL. Rejected by BB…and Ben says piss off but ends up going out. Then BB announces that Ben will be sleeping in the kombi tonight but Ben only has his boardies on so he finds a pink t-shirt, some trackies and a coat that smelt like noodles to wear. Poor boy. But he starts acting out and starts hitting pots complaining how BB treats him badly and how he gets picked on. Hmm…not a wise move. BB feels that he has attitude problems and the next morning, tells Ben that he will spend time in solitude 😮 Now Ben must live in the kombi until further notice. I LOVE the kombi. Makes people suffer. Hehe.

The housemates are used to grenades now, but how will they handle a bombshell?

IT’S PAMELA ANDERSON!!!!!!11 Pamela walks to the eviction stage place in these really short white shorts and a white top (someone please pour some water onto her) and her twins are bouncing along as she walks. So Kyle and Jackie introduce her to some Aussie terms. Trackie dacks which she thought were transvestites. LOOOOL. But she knew spooning was like cuddling….haha…the housemates might ask to spoon her. Then Pamela did the splits while wearing high heels and those short bottoms. Maybe someone was recording this at the right angle? So then Kyle was telling how about Rima and the BB people kept trying to beep out the word midget. LOL. But before she went in, Jackie told her that Ben is a little uncomfortable around women, so she asked her to flirt with Ben, screw Rori and Cherry (no, not that type of screw), and focus on Ben, especially in the showers, get close to him. HAHA.

To fill in the time, they had chats with the relatives of the housemates up for nomination. I jsut have to say that I feel sorry for Rori’s mum. She watches Big Mouth (basically BB uncut) and closes her eyes everytime Rori’s on but the comment Rori made about having been with more than 70 women….LOL….a mum does not need to hear this about her child.

Back in the house, Kyle and Jackie are talking to the housemates in pairs and when they talked to Brigitte and Terri, they aked how they would feel if the other one left. Terri said she would be sad, as expected, and Brigitte said “Of course I would be sad. Terri’s my house mum.” AWWWW…that’s so sweet. *sniff*

OOOooo…Eric’s back. He came to say once again that he and Brigitte were never in any committed relationship. So its probably just friends with benefits? And he says all this stuff like, “If shes happy, I’m happy” and “I just want whats best for her” and that he wishes them well…what a cop-out. I wanna see rage. RAWR. But then Kyle says that he’s heard another rumour and the FRICKIN BB people decide to beep that bit out…what losers.

Time for the eviction AND BRIGITTE GOT SNAPPED….NOOOOoooooo…I was really starting to like her (bk201 must be crushed) She says that she’s learnt that clothes aren’t everything. And Brigitte got a little hysterical when Kyle brought up the boyfriend again. Even though they never called him by name, Kyle described him as the guy with big arms and the v-neck and Brigitte’s like, yep, that’s him. But Jackie tells her that they’re not gonna ambush her and bring him out then suddenly Kyle goes AND HERE HE IS….haha, funny man, and it got Brigitte freaked out a bit. Kyle blames the weak producer for not letting him bring out Eric. DAMN YOU PRODUCER…GRRR.

Oh No!! I don\'t want to go

HOMG…BB sounded like such a pedo/stalker when he said “Ms. Anderson, or may I call you Pamela” and at the end he said “One more thing, love your dress” cause she had changed into a red dress.

*click click* and Pamela appears in the rewards window as a celebrity the housemates must take photos of for the task. Alice was the first to say “Is that really her?” and Cherry is like “Not a chance”….shows what he knows. Most of them don’t think it was the real deal but Alice has a keen eye. So Rori gets called to the diary room and VOILA!! Pamela Anderson is sitting on the diary room chair. He gives her a great big hug then sits up close to her and had his arm around her at a point. Also snuck a few unsubtle stares at her boobs but you can’t help but do that. (And Bianca felt objectified…) So BB tells Rori to escort her out and they go out holding hands. Rori must be very happy. Hehe. BB makes him the tour guide and gets him to show her around the house. The bedroom first, of course, with the big orgy bed where Rori wants some time alone with Pamela. (Keep dreaming boy, he is sticking to her like glue.) Then the housemates go to the banquet room for dinner and Pamela goes straight for the champagne. She’s sitting at the head of the table and it looked like she had a bunch of questions. Maybe family dinner time? Watch/come here to read what happens on BB tomorrow.


All right, that’s all the BB I can type today.

Bye Bye ^.^

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