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Long night yet again! Most of the daily show forgotten because its lack of fun and variety!

Rory teaches Travis the trade of brick laying! Using sand as the cementing medium, Travis attemps to be professional!  They were using the blocks of money as bricks, which I found amusing to use. Only if I had a house made of those $.$

Waiting for the train…for the week. A boring task many people do everyday. Today they waiting to go to the beach. Ben and Alice had an interesting ‘roleplaying’ situation where Ben was acting as Cherry. ‘Chicks are chicks’ ‘I’m just cruising’ I found that really funny to watch. Very amusing Ben!

Off to the henparty the ladies go…they are happily waiting, Brigitte bagging out Terri for not wearing a dress. Rory and Travis come out in workman clothes and strip down…well Rory had his gstring whereas Travis had ROry’s on his pants like superman. I laugh at Travis’s attempt at stripping. It was so fail.

I was surprised the housemates were playing ‘Have you ever.’ I’ve liked played this game once, and its quite cool 😀 THe housemates were saying ‘I’ve never had sex with slippers on’ ‘I’ve never did someone to an ex’s house.’ Really weird questions, maybe normal for their age…just too many sex questions in general. Terri having to eat so many peanuts since she did everything most housemates never had done. Terri is actually you know what =o Ben and Bianca getting closer. The couple IS GETTING IT ON 😀

Friday Night Live. Theme: Spy Night. To celebrate the new movie Get Smart, the winner of tonights game is able to invite 3 other housemates to watch the new MOVIE!! After seeing some previews, I really wanna see it 😀 Might go next weekend.

Anyway housemates. All dressed up as secret agents! Off they went! Terrence was out of the games, yet again. Last games probably! First game was Phone Shoe throwing. Teams of two. Girls vs Girls. Boys vs Boys. One was the dog, one was the agent. THe dog had to give the agent a shoe phone, which had to be thrown through doors that opened and closed. Team with most shoes thrown in advances. So Brigitte and Terri verse Alice and Brigitte. Terri was beasting it but Brigitte’s throwing was not up to Alice’s. Then come the boys’ turn…man it was dirty dog fighting! Cherry played dirty and hindered Travis from getting the shoe phones. Well we all knew that Travis was gonna lose that game but Cherry had to make it worse. T_T

Losers were given another chance, like always. The task was to dress up. Teams of two. One was the ‘model.’ The other was the ‘dresser.’ The Dresser had to put on a trench coat, moustache and hat onto the ‘model,’ however, the dresser had to put on the clothes with their mouth, and the model had their hands holding newspapers and a shoephone. Travis and Terri vs Brigitte and Rory. What was funny was when Travis went to put Terri’s moustache on and Terri slipped her tongue out for a pash. I don’t know if it was a genuine one, but you could see she wanted it. Anyway FNL hosts classified it as Travis’s first pash. Poor Travy! Anyway, Brigitte and Rory finished their job the fastest, getting back into the game.

Next game was Ticking Time Bomb Volleyball. Volleyball with baloons that had green goo in them. Rules are as simple as Volleyball. Rory Brigitte and Alice verse Cherry Ben and Bianca. Cherry tried to carry the team, but ended up making his team lose. They weren’t out yet..Cherry Ben and Bianca were given a second chance to get back into the games, by disarming a missile. Taking turns, they pulled out wires, the person who pulls out the wire disarming the missile gets back into the game. They had a funny rock off system to decide order. Bianca rocked off with Ben, Bianca winning and then Bianca rocked off with CHerry…Cherry won. Very systematic approach I say. Even the hosts were puzzled.

THe next game was the file mission. In teams of two, the agents had to go across a narrow ledge around a building, then speed through town collecting symbols for the code they had to remember from the beginning of the obstacle course, then to the safe where they had to put the symbols in order, to open the safe to get the secret file. Alice and Rory were first. They didn’t really go on the narrow ledge, jumping off onto the cars below…that’s what we saw…green screen effect!! First ever on FNL!!!! They got penalised 20seconds…EACH! So pretty much meant Brigitte and Cherry won. They did it properly, and won :D. I thought they would forget their code.

Last game was SNAP. As big hands, they played snap. This game was pretty funny. Cherry wins like two hands. Three hands to win FNL. So after Cherry wins two. Brigitte just jumps every time a card is put down. It looked really funny! I laughed my head off :D. Sadly, when she was recovering, Cherry snapped and won. Damn!

Cherry wins at last, after showing some very crappy attempts at trying to win! Well earned. And how characteristic of the him to win the deceptive and secret spy night games! He takes Bianca, Brigitte , Terrence to watch the movie. How nice 😀

Also, I cannot beat belive Nobbi lost to Bree Amer in the ‘Are you smarter than a Bree Amer’ game. Nobbi still creating laughs,as he thought it was a rhetorical question. 😀

Big show tonight. And i was on the live chat with Nobbi.Here’s the live chat if you wanna read it: nobbi-live-chat1

Its 9 pages long!

Let’s start off with the aftermath. Ben Rory and Bianca were very ‘pissed’ and ‘annoyed’ by the fact Nobbi was never gonna come back. Bianca cried, as her big brother Nobbi was gone. Funny, because in the toilet, Travis tried to approach and he’s like, do you want company, and she’s like no. Then he tries to approach her at the spa and she just walks away. Ben probably won’t last very long without his master.

Nobbi’s parting messages were good to hear. Most of them were positive, reassuring he’s not some evil dude bullying people like some show portrays…good he told Cherry he should stop scheming, its annoying me. Cherry’s nomination this week was just funny. ‘For a statistical reason.’ Please get your terms right, you’re still voting strategical. Just say its for strategy. So fake! He gave his money to Rory, no surprises there.

Here’s the stuff on Nobbi’s farewell…i really liked the Travis bit.

Housemates gathered around the lounge late last night to hear Nobbi’s goodbye message. It was a sad affair. The Hidden Eviction had meant Nobbi was sent off without hugs, kisses and well wishes, and the HMs were eager to hear how he was faring.

“Hi Housemates! I got Evicted!” Nobbi beamed from the plasma. “I had a mad time in the House. You’re all cool. Hey some of us didn’t get along but I look forward to catching up on the outside and having a beer with ‘ya! I had a mad time. Can’t wait to see you on the outside.

“The House got a little boring for me at times as you guys know … I hope you guys cause a bit of trouble. Housemates, I think the House is running a little too smooth. Stir it up a little bit, cause a bit of trouble.

“Housemates don’t hold back in what you want to say. Just say it straight it to their faces … Be honest. That’s the best way to go about it.

“Last week ten of us were given $25,000 each. One tenth of the $250,000 prize money. Now that I’ve left I must give my $25,000 to someone else, the person I’m giving it to is Rory. Mate, that $25,000 is yours – you have a bright future ahead of you and I hope you take it all the way.

“Bianca at the start I thought that you were the conservative ***** that I wasn’t going to get along with,” Bianca smiled at Nobbi’s message. “As time went on, you reminded me of my younger sister, we had some good talks. And you’re a great chick and keep it up.

“Ben. You hung out with me all the time. You’re a great dude mate. Just at the start you didn’t have much confidence at all. I think you’ve grown up heaps mate. Let it rip. Don’t be too shy. Stress less. You’re a big stresser dude, stress less mate.

“Alice. At the start dude, you know I thought you were a big sugarcoater. I just thought you were nice to everyone for the sake of it. As time went on, I’m glad that we sorted things out, you’re a great chick and I’m looking forward to having coffees with you on the outside.

“Travis. You’re a great kid with a great heart. But sometimes I thought I was talking to a nine year old girl,” Nobbi said matter-of-factly and Travis gasped, shocked that the Kombi Man would say such a harsh thing. “Sometimes you should just keep out of conversations that you don’t need to be into with your airy-fairy rubbish. If Housemates really want to talk to Minnie Mouse and her friends they can go to Tokyo Disneyland. You’re a great dude mate, you’ve got a great heart, just keep it realistic mate. I think you’re a great friend of mine. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ there.

“Terri, Terri, Terri, we didn’t get along at the start you kicked me in the Kombi. I really really didn’t like you but as time went on you loosened up a bit. We had a love-hate relationship: up and down. But hey I think you’re doing a great job in there. Take it easy on the cleaning. Knives and forks and dirty plates in the sink aren’t that bigger deal.

“Brigitte. I have never met anyone so simple in my life. You are the typical simple ditzy blonde. As long as you take yourself on a simple level you’re quite cool. You know you say funny things that’s ridiculously out of line but that’s what I really liked about you. Of Course I couldn’t have a deep conversation with you cause it’s sort of like talking to a letterbox.

“I don’t think you’re playing the game dishonourably like Terrence said, you’re just being yourself dude, just keep doin’ what you’re doin’, it’s workin’ for ya. I know you’re flirting with Cherry all the time, you really, really have to get over your boyfriend Eric.”

Brigitte laughed off the comment and Cherry just grinned. Neither met each others eyes. Nobbi continued, “Cherry, yep, like I said I’m not gay but you’re a good looking man. Don’t scheme against other people too much. I think Brigitte is into you mate just keep it up.

“Terrence at the start I was like, ‘Oh no, another old person in the House that’s going to do my head in and hate me as well’ but hey, you know you’re such a great guy. You’re similar to Travis, you have a great heart, we had some good chats, you did do my head in with a few jokes and your monotonous stories but it was good that you came and hang out with me a fair bit.

“Don’t doubt yourself, you always think you’re going to leave every week. I think you’re a great addition to the House, probably the best Intruder that stirred a bit of trouble up, just jolted the House.

“You give a lot of advice to the other Housemates, my advice to you is to get rid of the sarong, your jokes suck and your stories go for about 45 minutes too long. Just keep it short and rock on.”

Terrence flushed red and nodded, giggling at Nobbi’s honesty.

Then Nobbi turned his attention to Rory for the last message: “Rory. Eviction Hot Seat Rory. Evil Black Crow! Since Day One, you were my best friend in there. The Housemates love ‘ya and hopefully the public do to now. You were the, um, like the Kombi and staying outside did my head in, you really helped me out there mate. You came and got my food out for me, you hung out with me. I trusted you the most in the House. I’m 100% sure we’ll catch up on the outside.”

The housemate grenade was given back to Terri, with an addition of a companion, who was talk your head off Terrence. Terri went ‘fuck’ when she knew who Nobbi was choosing. Good choice, but would’ve been better if he put Brigitte in with Terrence. It would’ve been so funny. Brigitte would probably had slept outside last night, or even force Terrence outside.

The new task for this week is…waiting for trains. As we all know, the shitty transport system in Australia is so bad, most people spend waiting minutes and hours trying to commute place to place everyday. Housemates get to experience this. Certainly a new experience for Brigitte, rocking up to the platform with a pink skirt that probably came from Legally Blonde. Taking the same train was Ben, in his suit. What they had to do was wait for the train to come, and then find the number on it. As they waited, Brigitte and Ben were role playing. Then the announcement came…’Due to unexpected trackworks, the train will be delayed 25minutes.’ Just hilarious. They just started whacking the wall with their hand bag and suitcase, whilst the other housemates laughed at them. Brigitte asked Terri if people wake up early to catch the train, and Terri told her the truth ‘Yes.’Then another announcement came ‘Vandalism is not permitted.’ Oh so hilarious. Then finally the choo choo train came. Steaming across its rails, it didn’t stop at BroTown…probably because Ben and Brigitte were cursing it. Ben was blaming it for his sleep deprivation. I can imagine this task to be very interesting in the few days to come.

Nominations. Voting changed alot this week.Up for nominations are Rory, Terrence and Bianca, after Brigitte saved herself. As i said before, Cherry had weird reasons…only because he swapped ‘statistical’ with ‘strategical.’ Really the blonde stereotype is coming out. Rory and Travis both put points on each other, Rory getting pissed at Travis’s ‘textbook answers’ and Travis getting pissed at Rory’s ‘dont wanna hear it’ attitude. I’m surprised Cherry didn’t get any votes! He’s sliding under the radar!! I just hope Terrence leaves the house…because I just don’t like him out of the three nominated, but it would defeat the purpose of Nobbi’s Hand Grenade! Terrence most likely to get evicted anyway.

Who do you think is next to go?

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