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Wow, my first post alone without bk201…give me support guys, tell your friends to read please.  ^.^

Okay, let’s get into it. The housemates are yelling out their goodbyes to Bianca after she’s evicted and Ben decides to comment to Rori that the crows are dying..dying..dying and the blonde mice are ruling the house. Then he gets slightly annoyed at Alice for getting saved four times and Rori says that there’s nothing they can do about it but Ben says that there is something we can do…if you know what I mean. Oooo…big no no, he got busted by BB since it was suggestive of nominations so he got warned and threatened with a second strike.

Bianca’s fairwell message and hand grenade. To Brigitte, GET WITH CHERRY. Yes, we all agree. Those two need to take it to the next level. But on with the grenade. Bianca says that Ben is the worst spooner ever. He’s a rotten spooner so she’s gonna give him the wooden spoon. No, it doesn’t mean he has to spoon with a housemate every night, although that would have been good to see as Alice and Terri are the only female housemates that aren’t taken. Could’ve seen some nanna action. But now, Ben is the house cook with the kitchen slackers Travis, Brigitte and Cherry being the only ones that can assist Ben. So this means the housemates will either have crap food or starve…lose, lose either way. Too bad 😛


Alice and Brigitte are talking in bed about Cherry and Eric (Brigitte’s outside ‘boyfriend’) and Alice asks her why she likes him and Brigitte replies by saying that she doesn’t know (that’s a great sign) and that she’s never been not without him for so long. So now it seems that Cherry has plopped into Eric’s place. They were kissing in bed after BB turned off the lights. Looks like they’ll take it up a notch bvery soon.  Hey bk201, maybe if you hang around Brigitte long enough, you could be with her too.

Weekly task time. It’s paparazzi time. Everytime housemates here the sound of shouting paparazzi and cameras clicking, an image of a celebrity will be in the house somewhere. The two housemates on patrol are dressed in trenchcoats and carry a camera and will need to find the celebrity and take a picture within 90 seconds. Terri and Ben are first up and they struggled to find Brad Pitt in the wash-up area but thanks to Travis they found him. YAY.

Second up is Rori and Cherry. BB decides to make them go when Cherry was cuddling with Brigitte. What an evil person. Leave the two lovebirds alone. But they found the ‘Paris Hilton’ look-a-like (who I think looked a bit like Rihanna -the housemate) in the area where the prizes for the task usually are. However, Cherry said that she was hot and asked for her number. I think BB is purposely trying to break Cherry and Brigitte up.

So Ben gets bored…he starts chucking stuff at the water tank and BB tells him to not throw things at the water tank. 12 seconds later, naughty Ben accidently let something slip and actually broke the platic water level indicator of the water tank. He is in so much trouble now. Brigitte said that Big Brother is going to hate you now, if he didn’t already before. And so true…cause now he must make up for all the water that got wasted…4000LITRES. Ben suggests that he not flush when he goes to the toilet…EWWW. But BB has a much better idea. Until further notice, Ben is banned from the showers and must use a bucket of water to wash himself. LOOOL.

Big Brother started off nominations with a long-winded speech about nominating properly, frankly, honestly, blah blah blah. Alice nominated Cherry for 2 points at first because he wants to try and get Cherry into the Top 3 so that he can save himself cause he deserves it. BB replies with ‘That is ridiculous.’ ROFL. Owned Alice. So she ended up nominating Rori cause he was judging her about how she took the mole thing so seriously. So at the end of all this, we have four nominees: Cherry, Terri, Rori, and Ben. BUT, the nomination twist. Cherry exercises his power and who does who save? No prizes for guessing. Obviously himself, so Alice got her wish. The new nominees are as follows: Terri, Rori, Ben, Alice AND Brigitte. Typical that Travis didn’t get nominated. He hardly ever gets nomination points. I can so see him or nanna Terri winning this. My psychic predictions tell me that either Rori or Ben will go. Another of the black crows will fall.

Wow, we just keep getting more of Big Brother as the weeks run out! Great show tonight I thought. Rima stirring up some suspicion!

Rima’s been put back into the house to tell everyone there’s a mole. I’m surprised she still pulled it off. She told everyone she had a secret mission in the first 5mins she was with them. From what has been show, the housemates haven’t even speculated about her secret mission. If I was in there, I’d be thinking about why Rima would be put into the house. But I’ll pay the housemates, they must feel paranoid that they have been living with a mole for 2 months. Scary Thought. Most housemates pointing the finger at Ben, being the one who’s avoided conflict most of the time. Suspicions point at Brigitte, as she can be smarter than she look and her ‘portrayed personality’ is easier to act that say Terri’s. I just find it funny that Ben suspects Rory, of all people to suspect your own friend! How fake is Ben!! I just love how all the housemates are into finding the mole. They’ve got until Wednesday to figure out the mole, which they won’t of course!

And thinking of a few things. Cherry would probably know there isn’t a mole. Housemates should be asking him lots of questions.

Now let’s move onto Terrence’s housemate grenade. I’m outraged by what he’s done. It’s just shown that the show is very JEW to Nobbi. As if reverse Nobbi’s hand grenade! I’m sure Nobbi wouldn’t be pleased to see Terri out of the kombi. Unfair to Nobbi! And it’s proven! But the good thing, was that the hair straighter was taken away from them. Now we can hear the housemates bitch about crappy hair. Wooooo!  I’ve said this before but I will reiterate again. A grenade is to ‘hurt’ someone, and the ‘wound’ created by the grenade should never be ‘healed.’ With reversals after Nobbi’s eviction, I’m not happy! Why didn’t BB give Nobbi a grenade reversal when he was head of house for 2weeks in a row, but give Brigitte her reversal when she’s head of house. Unfair!!!

The task for this week. Interesting task.  They have to dress up when their theme song is played and then whack around a ninja dummy in the wrestling ring in the backyard. I love the names BB has assigned each of the housemates. ‘Cherry Bomb’ ‘Naughty Nanna’ ‘Captain Possimistic’ ‘Roaring Lion’ ‘Prosecutor’

‘Blondezilla’ <—- My favourite of them all. Brigitte has to dress up as godzilla too!! ROry was first up to take on the Ninja. He pummeled the ninja hard, as you as expect. Signature move, roaring like a lion.Then we had Terri take on the ninja. It’s funny seeing a 52yearold in a wresting arena. She slaps the ninja with her duster and then she just keeps kicking the dummy LOL. She kicks it a fair bit too.

Nominations were actually last night. A surprise one i guess. Alot of housemates actually realise its a game now. I’m appalled at the housemates for not giving points to Cherry AT ALL. He didn’t even get any last week. Kick Cherry out already. He’s such a player and has been since he entered the Big Brother house. Brigitte kinda failed to give reasons for nominations but as always, BB gave her lenience since it was a sudden one. Oh please….Brigitte should be taught the lessons of life! BB should’ve given her the points. BB too nice this year. Not cool! So up for nominations for massive 7 points are Bianca and Rory, Alice on 5. CHerry saves Alice, because he nominated the other two, but then asked BB if he could save the ones he nominated for, BB telling him he could. If i was Cherry, I would save Bianca. Alice has been up in many nominations and seems to never leave the house. Saving Bianca would give you an ally, and you’d want to direct your votes to Rory, to make sure he leaves before Bianca. He thought of saving Bianca but couldn;t think of a reason. I actually think Cherry’s kinda stupid. He’s just playing the game to look smart but you can really see he isn’t =p. He hasn’t picked up on the mole thing. He’s seen at least 5weeks to realise that there shouldn’t be a mole in the house!  Anyway who i think will be evicted. It’s a toss between Bianca and Rory for sure. Travis and Terri are pretty much safe. I bet that Rory will get kicked, purely because Travis fans would kick out Rory, then we have Terri fans kick out Bianca. I don’t want Bianca to go, we need her when Pamela gets in. So Rory hopefully, as much as I don’t want him to.

Pictures will be up tomorrow. Being Capped is bad!

Today’s show was really plain…not much to talk about.

Ok the treasure hunt for the BB prize began last night. A big patch of sand in the backyard. First they had to find 10 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in the 10 segments marked out. Ben was first to find his…then they all slowly found their pieces in their assigned field. Nobbi Ben and Bianca put the jigsaw pieces together. I didnt’ get to see the puzzle but from the puzzle, they somehow had the idea this treasure was between the spa and the laundy, so they started digging in the sand between the two areas. They dug very deep, where there was water too! Dig Dig , Rory and Ben found a treasure chest with scissors, something that looked like a sowing kit….and this supposed clue…which BB gave a spare to Nobbi when he was called to the Kombi. The clue ‘disintegrated.’ Yes…….very believable.

The clue was read out by the Nobster, the clue was really obvious. Somewhere where past housemates have met their doom, where you place your bum. They all thought it was the question mark lounge…so did I! But BB told them it wasn’t. Then Nobbi suggested the diary room chair when others thought it was the bed….why ruin the bed when you can ruin the diary room chair! In the diary room, they pretty much ripped it apart, and found MONEYS! 10 boxes of $25 000 each. Wow! Yes, BB told them that they are indeed playing the game, and with the money, he makes sure of it. Person who wins BB gets $250 000. Brigitte says you can’t afford a Ferrari with that money…T_T

Anyway during the digging, the housemates were given a break by Big Brother to see Rhianna deliver her final farewell. Rhianna bursted into tears immediately, saying how she had the best time in the house. She said alot of things about Cherry and how evil he was! Anyway thanks to the housemate grenade, she takes revenge on Cherry, forcing him to be housekeeper, who must clean up after every meal and clean the toilets EVERY DAY! Haha, this job is worst than Dixie’s. Sucked in Cherry =p Well deserved, for being a meany to Rhianna, but for playing the game…

Anyway, nominations. Very tight nominations this week. Some really weird things came up. Rory giving points to Brigitte due to her comment early about the money and ferrari. Terry giving points to Terrence for telling people to do certain things after they leave. Brigitte voting for Rory and Ben for being party of the gang. Alice had similar reasons. People voted for Cherry…for playing the game…Cherry’s made it sooo obvious he’s playing the game. He did tactical votes for both his nominations. He nominates Rory so he can get into nominations and hopefully be voted off by the public. Cherry does not deserve to win now!

So the nominees at first were Alice, Cherry, Terrence and Rory. Nobbi says Rory no doubt, then comes the reshuffle, putting himself up along with Terri and Brigitte. Poor Nobbi. Cherry’s plan actually worked T_T We could say that the housemates were influenced not to vote for Nobbi! Ah ha! But what would’ve been smart for Nobbi was to vote for himself, after knowing what Cherry said earlier. Oh well. What’s done is done.

I don’t know who will go. I have established Australia likes Alice. So she won’t go. Australia won’t let go of Brigitte. Australia likes Terri, she won’t go. I don’t know how Australia sees Nobbi, after the Travis incident. Cherry…should just leave. Terrence…maybe Australia likes. As grim as it seems, Nobbi might get booted out…but hopefully Cherry.

Lots of cool stuff in today’s daily show.

First lets start on Renee’s parting message and her hand grenade. Everyone was pretty shocked at what she said, and it proved her point so much. She went through most of the housemates. Didn’t even mention Ben or Rory, however she mentioned Nobbi and how he’s been nasty! Anyway her housemate handgreande was unexpected. She tells them that they are halfway through the game and that to keep them going, a message from their family would be given to them. However Renee had the power to rip up one housemate’s messages and she picked Brigitte! And I just found it hilarious she just ripped infront of Brigitte.

Now the effects of this housegrenade. Bianca tags along with Brigitte to the diary room. They go in. Brigitte bitches about how she gets two housemate hand grenades(I WONDER WHY?!?!) Big Brother just tells her that the evicted housemates get to choose. Then Brigitte asks if she could deliver a message to her. BB says no, then she just goes ‘Renee is a bitch and I hope she cracks her face so she looks better’ That’s funny! As they leave the diary room, Brigitte says she hates BB and then she goes up to the camera and tongue things at it. I don’t know the exact word for it. I just found that whole thing funny.

The new task for this week is a 24hour hair salon, where housemates will need to give haircuts or receive haircuts when Big Brother chooses.  Housemates would have to engage in talk throughout the haircut to pass the task for this week. I think they will pass. THe task doesn’t seem too hard, since you could just talk about crap. First up to get their haircut was Terrence. Terrence got his Afro, showed up at the barber shop with Nobbi as his haircutterer! How ironic! Nobbi with his fail haircutting skills, how did he succeed in the haircut? At first he offered Terrence to just shvae it all off, but he had to do mowhawk. Finish mohawk. Looked really funny, especiallly because it was on Terrence.  Some random chat, the shop was passed down from Nobbi’s dad and has been around for 150years. Heck the house is brand new XD

Next to get their haircut was Brigitte. With her orange mop looking thing on her head, she headed to hairdresser Terri for a bob haircut. During the haircut, they talked about their families. Brigitte’s family taught pandas in Taiwan how to cook. Terri was surprised that pandas could cook. Anyway successful haircut. As Brigitte leaves the salon,she tells Terri that she would bring her children next time.

Nominations Nominations! This week, with intruders as housemates, nominations were alot different. Most points went to Nobbi for the bullying incident. No other reasons for Nobbi. Same reasons to vote off Alice, being domineering, not entertaining. Then we had a whole bunch of nominations for the intruders. Terrence was nominated for lame jokes, being lame etc. Rhianna was nominated for being lazy, bringing nothing to the house. And also Cherry, arrogant,cocky,chicks are chicks,bringing nothing to the house. I agree that Cherry brings nothing to the house. Nominees before the Twist were Nobbi Alice and Terrence. No kidding Nobbi saved himself, so the nominees for this week are Alice, Terrence, Cherry and Rhianna! All intruders and Alice. How sad! I hope Alice or Cherry goes. Terrence and Rhianna are entertaining. Terrence makes me kinda cringe when he says lame stuff. I wanna see where the Rhianna and Rory thing goes.

So this week, I hope Alice goes! For the sake of the guys!

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