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Wow, we just keep getting more of Big Brother as the weeks run out! Great show tonight I thought. Rima stirring up some suspicion!

Rima’s been put back into the house to tell everyone there’s a mole. I’m surprised she still pulled it off. She told everyone she had a secret mission in the first 5mins she was with them. From what has been show, the housemates haven’t even speculated about her secret mission. If I was in there, I’d be thinking about why Rima would be put into the house. But I’ll pay the housemates, they must feel paranoid that they have been living with a mole for 2 months. Scary Thought. Most housemates pointing the finger at Ben, being the one who’s avoided conflict most of the time. Suspicions point at Brigitte, as she can be smarter than she look and her ‘portrayed personality’ is easier to act that say Terri’s. I just find it funny that Ben suspects Rory, of all people to suspect your own friend! How fake is Ben!! I just love how all the housemates are into finding the mole. They’ve got until Wednesday to figure out the mole, which they won’t of course!

And thinking of a few things. Cherry would probably know there isn’t a mole. Housemates should be asking him lots of questions.

Now let’s move onto Terrence’s housemate grenade. I’m outraged by what he’s done. It’s just shown that the show is very JEW to Nobbi. As if reverse Nobbi’s hand grenade! I’m sure Nobbi wouldn’t be pleased to see Terri out of the kombi. Unfair to Nobbi! And it’s proven! But the good thing, was that the hair straighter was taken away from them. Now we can hear the housemates bitch about crappy hair. Wooooo!  I’ve said this before but I will reiterate again. A grenade is to ‘hurt’ someone, and the ‘wound’ created by the grenade should never be ‘healed.’ With reversals after Nobbi’s eviction, I’m not happy! Why didn’t BB give Nobbi a grenade reversal when he was head of house for 2weeks in a row, but give Brigitte her reversal when she’s head of house. Unfair!!!

The task for this week. Interesting task.  They have to dress up when their theme song is played and then whack around a ninja dummy in the wrestling ring in the backyard. I love the names BB has assigned each of the housemates. ‘Cherry Bomb’ ‘Naughty Nanna’ ‘Captain Possimistic’ ‘Roaring Lion’ ‘Prosecutor’

‘Blondezilla’ <—- My favourite of them all. Brigitte has to dress up as godzilla too!! ROry was first up to take on the Ninja. He pummeled the ninja hard, as you as expect. Signature move, roaring like a lion.Then we had Terri take on the ninja. It’s funny seeing a 52yearold in a wresting arena. She slaps the ninja with her duster and then she just keeps kicking the dummy LOL. She kicks it a fair bit too.

Nominations were actually last night. A surprise one i guess. Alot of housemates actually realise its a game now. I’m appalled at the housemates for not giving points to Cherry AT ALL. He didn’t even get any last week. Kick Cherry out already. He’s such a player and has been since he entered the Big Brother house. Brigitte kinda failed to give reasons for nominations but as always, BB gave her lenience since it was a sudden one. Oh please….Brigitte should be taught the lessons of life! BB should’ve given her the points. BB too nice this year. Not cool! So up for nominations for massive 7 points are Bianca and Rory, Alice on 5. CHerry saves Alice, because he nominated the other two, but then asked BB if he could save the ones he nominated for, BB telling him he could. If i was Cherry, I would save Bianca. Alice has been up in many nominations and seems to never leave the house. Saving Bianca would give you an ally, and you’d want to direct your votes to Rory, to make sure he leaves before Bianca. He thought of saving Bianca but couldn;t think of a reason. I actually think Cherry’s kinda stupid. He’s just playing the game to look smart but you can really see he isn’t =p. He hasn’t picked up on the mole thing. He’s seen at least 5weeks to realise that there shouldn’t be a mole in the house!  Anyway who i think will be evicted. It’s a toss between Bianca and Rory for sure. Travis and Terri are pretty much safe. I bet that Rory will get kicked, purely because Travis fans would kick out Rory, then we have Terri fans kick out Bianca. I don’t want Bianca to go, we need her when Pamela gets in. So Rory hopefully, as much as I don’t want him to.

Pictures will be up tomorrow. Being Capped is bad!

Yet another bland daily show, only housemates making it fun were Brigitte and Cherry.

The vending machine this week offered some limited edition items…Grenade Reversals. Shame on Big Brother for allowing housemates to reverse their hand grenades. It’s a HANDGRENADE…it’s supposed to leave a lasting impact…it’s no longer a HANDGRENADE anymore. SOOOOO ANGRY!!!!!!!! Let’s give the housemates reversals when NOBBI got evicted…how conincidental?!?! Freaking ridiculous. I’m happy Bianca got hers reversed, I’m fine with Cherry’s reversal but I’m not happy about Brigitte’s one…seriously, Brigitte really doesn’t deserve anything back, especially what she did to Terri and Terrence in the Kombi. Not cool. BB seems to favour Brigitte. NOT COOL!

The train task, funny seeing Terri in school uniform. Brigitte and Terri were waiting to go to school today yay. They even had their packed lunches! It was good that Brigitte got anchovy paste sandwich. She just chucked it away, unlike Terri who ate her peanut butter sandwich. Rory and Ben were also catching the train, probably from school to home. From some images, seems Rory is bullying Ben. XD

The thing between Cherry and Brigitte. Cherry knows he’s alright with this relationship thing, but he notices Brigitte flinching every opportunity Cherry wants to hang out with him. Shame for Cherry. However Ben and Bianca, I see hooking up, despite housemates saying he doesn’t like her. Ben was talking to Rory outside about how he’s been cloest to Bianca than any other relationship, and Rory is like ‘yea you to look good.’ Then Bianca comes out and sits between them. Yes, as they kinda doze off, Ben has his arm around Bianca. Awwww

Cherry and Brigitte. Sneaky and cheeky they are, decided to stir up Terri and Terrence. First by chucking balls at the Kombi. The nomads noticed but by Terrence’s command, they showed no pain! So they picked it up a notch, Brigitte opened the door and made animal noises. Likewise, TnT just soldiered on. Then they went overboard. It’s a cold night and you still wanna wet people! SO they hosed kombi, then Brigitte sprayed the inside. Mean! MEAN! No respect for TnT! Just as bad when you don’t ask TnT what they wanted from the vending machine. I didn’t like how they sprayed TnT. However, I did like it when they put the cow into bed next to Travis, and made it look like he was sleeping with it. THe hilarious part was when Travis woke up and screamed his head off at the huge thing he was sleeping next to. Classic! Just as good when he scared Terri a few weeks back.

Rima is coming back on Sunday! At last! Missing 2months of BB, she can’t win money but she’s on a mission. I wonder what it is =p

And then we have Pamela Anderson joining the house, for an unknown period of time. Apparently there is going to be a Mid Week Eviction, then she will be replacing that evicted housemate. Note 9th July on your calenders =p

I will also add that the only probable reason Pamela Anderson is coming in is to bring ratings back up. BB is already suffereing without Nobbi, and it goes to show =p

And may i say again, nothing on the daily show was about ALICE ALICE BORING ALICE VOTE HER OUT YOU WON’T EVEN NOTICE SHE’S IN THE HOUSE!

Big Brother is awesome this year. Big Brother has new attitude! And I’ve watched it ever since it started this year. Weird bunch of housemates. They are actually alright eventhough I considered them to be retarded in the first place.

Anyway what i like about this year’s Big Brother are the extra twists they have.  This year, we have the Housemate Grenade that are lets say ‘commands’ that evicted housemates can give to certain housemates. So far, we’ve had Terri, the 52yrold granny chuck the grenade on Nobbi…banishing him from the Big Brother house indefinitely (it means basically forever for you people with a brain capacity of Brigitte.) This forced him into the Kombi van in the garden. He was complaining about it for a few weeks. People got sick of it but I guess most people would whine about it. It has been funny when Nobbi’s just run back into the house, just to cop himself window cleaning. But the best thing was that Terri, who was evicted first day…was allowed back into the house as a ‘house guest.’ Nobbi, was not impressed at all with her re entrance. I remember the damn 1minute censor…it was just plain hilarious. Nobbi is so awesome.

Anyway the second hand grenade was thrown by Saxon, the first Sunday Night Evictee. This grenade was different to Terri’s, in which he was able to take away all the items from a housemate. It meant taking all clothes, toiletries etc except the ones they were wearing. Chucked on the spoiled brat as we know as Brigette. Yes she’s had the biggest sook about it for AGES. It’s lasted ever since she got it….people have lent her clothes…she should be happy. Then her ‘only friend’ Rebecca got evicted. This caused Brigitte to completely break down. The only half decent thing she’s done in the house after the grenade was her making a pillow slip shirt with heart shapes and stuff. I commend her on doing it. Even Carson liked it.Some other amusing things she did in the past few weeks. Not talk to BB and have Dixie as her ‘representative.,’ try to starve herself to death until she got her clothes back…hehe she gave into a cone. Sleeping in the Diary room only to be told to get out. She sleeps all day, talks to no one….she’s boring now.

Only just recently was she given the chance to get some of her items back by ‘looking through rose coloured glasses.’ I’ve never heard of the idiom before but it made sense when she started acting really fake on today’s daily show.  Big Brother gave Brigitte ‘rose coloured glasses’ to wear, and if she completed his task, she would be rewarded. Some comments of hers included ‘You made many mistakes Travis but it’s ok.’ Previously she would’ve gone…’you’ve got it all wrong.’  Some of the comments were plain stupid. I think it was Rory who said to her ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ And she replies with ‘I like it that you don’t like my attitude.’ Fun to laugh at but seriously…stupid Brigitte. Anyway, the other housemates including Nobbi (YAY!) and without Brigittewent into the diary room to decide what items Brigitte should have returned. After the versade Brigitte had on, most of the housemates were not impressed with what Big Brother made her do. Rory was very adamant about not giver her anything back. His case was something along the lines ‘She’s not learning anything if she just acts nice.’ Other housemates have similar views. Some supporting the view regarding other housemates suffering from the grenades (Nobbi and Dixie,who i will talk about later) and how they get over it and stuff. Most housemates want her to learn a lesson. Brigitte, being a girl who has been ‘ daddy this daddy that’ should know the harsh realities of life. I agree with this. Dixie was like the only person defending Brigitte, saying that Brigitte has blisters on her feet and stuff. In the end, the housemates were supposed to give a unifed decision but was unable to, so head of the house, Alice chose to give Brigitte some comb and hair product…couldn’t really see what it was. Generous of her. I would’ve given Brigitte shoes..since she should exercise 😀 The funny thing about this whole thing was that Brigitte was watching the housemates. So when the others came out, she immediately started bitching. YAY! Hmmm..Brigitte had a really big cry about housemates to bigbrother. The other housemates had a big bitch session, which i commend them on doing ^^! Bitching is awesome.

About the 3rd housegrenade, thrown by Rebecca. She gave it to Dixie who was forced to be the laundry lady forever! Dixie willingly accepted her grenade. Really hilarious. Dixie was not pissed at all when she was presented with it. She acted so cool. She went into the diary room so she could send a message to Rebecca. Most of what she said was really cheerful and happy, but it had a bit of a sarcastic tone.  Anyway Dixie hasn’t sooked about it since!

Today i had KFC, got my i got access to Twister Diaries. Yay^^! Scabbed Ed’s and Raymond’s codes as well, so i have 3 chances of winning 10k tomorrow night…or sunday night. Forgot which night they reveal the winners. I’ve only seen 2 diaries but i’ll get around watching them all.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s Friday Night Live. Still hoping for Terri to win! Always rooting for Nobbi in FNL, after winning….many dollars in Zimbabwe currency…

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