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As a supporter of all mighty Lelouch, I’m glad that he owned Schneizel and his evil plans. The plan of countering FLEIA was very far fetched. Nina had figured out a way to counter it which required entering environmental data, which takes 19seconds, leaving the person entering 0.04 seconds to hit the enter button. So we’re watching Lelouch entering codes upon codes, then calling in Suzaku to destroy the FLEIA with a stick of some sort. Boom the FLEIA goes but with no big bang! Victory was Lelouch’s!!

Lelouch,Suzaku invaded Damocles in order to stop Schneizel. Gino became an obstacle for Suzaku to tackle whilst Lelouch attended to defeating Schneizel. Suzaku owned Gino but is left in firing range of Guren’s cannons. How will Suzaku’s Geass Effect work now?

Schneizel had his escape plan all figured out. Leave Damocles and then allowing Nunally to bring the FLEIA of death upon herself. Too bad, Lelouch had already sealed Schneizel’s plans. After Geassing his men, and also…Schneizel himself, Lelouch had ensured victory! Yay!

The last scenes of the episode were surprising. Lelouch confronted Nunally in person for the first time in so long. It’s all good since Nunally can’t see. She’s holding the trigger for FLEIA, but what we didn’t see coming were her blue shiny eyes!! The question is, will Lelouch take the easy way out?

I have this theory that Lelouch will Geass Nunally but it will turn out the way he Geassed Euphy, causing Nunally to launch FLEIA, blowing them up together. And also, Cornelia is alive but guess who’s back from the dead…GUILDFORD. HE DIED IN FLEIA. DIDN’T YOU SEE IT?!!?

Last episode next week. It’s going to be epic!

I can see this episode to be very controversial amongst many fans but the story was coming to hit this bump in the road. Inevitable!! Though saying this, this must’ve been my favourite episode of the whole season.

From what I’ve just said, the Black Knights have rebelled against Zero as a result of Shienzel (can’t spell) and Cornelia showing evidence. This evidence included a document of people Lelouch used his Geass on and the recording of the convo between Suzaku and Lelouch regarding the Euphy Massacre incident. Though the rebellion had started a few episodes back when Lelouch ordered his men to kill women and children, the more loyal pawns Tamaki and Diethard stood up for Zero also rebelled, only to just probably go with the flow of things instead of getting owned. Not a surprise to me that everyone would get shocked by the fact Zero is Lelouch. With aims to capture Lelouch, Ougi ordered Kallen to lead Zero into a storage room so he could be confronted, trapped and filmed. With spotlights and everything, Lelouch revealed himself, further assuring everyone what Schniztel(his new name!!) had said earlier. Clearly Lelouch was in a checkmate, so why not tell everyone that this fight was just a game of chess, in which he used the Black Knights as his pawns!! All this clearly symbolised through the various and common references to the game of chess.

Before I lead on onto what I’ll talk about next, we need to touch on the relationship between Rolo and Lelouch. Indeed we know this relationship is not blood related but it can still be considered a brother relationship due to the time they have spent together. What’s your say on this? However everything I said up there, he blatently told Rolo he did not like him at all and wanted to kill him so many times. But Rolo still tries hard to maintain this relationship which has given him all the facets of human life, by saving Lelouch using his Geass, escaping with Lelouch’s nightmare.Sadly we see Rolo withering his life away using his geass repeatedly and in a huge area we’ve never seen him perform it in. Funny bit I guess is when Lelouch is trying to talk to Rolo but can only say a few words or sounds before Rolo reuses his geass. However the emotional bits were during the use of Geass when he talked about his relationship with Lelouch. It’s all so very sad and the music helped create such an appropriate atmosphere.

Rolo lands the knightmare, but is in a very unstable condition, from the repeated damage done to his heart. He says his last words to Lelouch before dieing. WAH!!!! T_T Anyway with this happened, here I’m thinking, what the hell is going to happen in the next 5 episodes?!?! Well Lelouch still has goals…even after losing everyone, even Kallen. Next mission, killing his own dad. And what is his dad gonna do? Use Geass to create a new world by destroying the current one. So that’s where everything is headed now. There was one more thing that was strange, Suzaku doing an evil laugh. Does this mean Suzaku will become like Lelouch?!? Will he be evil (not that he isn’t)? Very epic indeed. I cannot wait for the next episode!

This episode was very epic!! Basic plot overview. Kallen gets freed, Knights come in to kill Zero, but thanks to Kallen,she killed off Bradley Yay! Guildford who helped protect ‘Cornelia’ and Orenji-Kun. Evil intentions of Rolo revealed that he was out to kill Nunally!! And guess what, thanks to Suzaku, Suzaku fired the FREYA, obiliterating the whole Tokyo Settlement. GG!! So we see Sayoko, NUnally, and alot of people get wiped. Plot Twist! Lelouch has basically failed his retrieval of Nunally. However Rolo is still alive! Go figure Rolo didn’t save them with his geass. Bad boy.

I don’t know where the plot is going but seems Lelouch will go a bit whacko. Can’t wait for next episode. I wanna see more GUREN Keiten in action. It’s imba!

This episode was HUGE!! Lelouch starts his invasion on the Tokyo Settlement by creating a diversion, XingKe taking lead of the diversion. Meanwhile that, Lelouch meets up with Suzaku at the Kurugi Temple. It was just them two, alone. They both got emotional which was very good ^^! Suzaku pretty much blamed Lelouch for everything. The death of Shirley, Euphy. Lelouch felt helpless, admitting everything. Lelouch lowers himself as he sits on the ground below the towering Suzaku! Lelouch begging Suzaku to help save Nunally, so Suzaku makes him do end the war so that he will save her. And yes this was bound to happen, both are caught talking together. Britannia have been keeping an eye on Suzaku and Lelouch gets captured. The sad part of this was that Suzaku had nothing to do with it. Lelouch falls into thinking Suzaku set him up. It’s so sad for such good friends to lose their friendship because of an outside forceT_T.

Lelouch confronts his brother Schneizel. Oh no! Disgusted that my own brother is Zero blah blah. He does want the best for Lelouch however.  Guildford releases Lelouch and Lelouch is able to carry on with his recapture of Tokyo. Geassing Guildford earlier, enabled Lelouch to manipulate Guildford into thinking Lelouch is Corneila (when doing this random action). Owned I say.And yea…operations still continuing on capturing the Tokyo Settlement.

Not much fighting but we get to see Knight of One and some other Knight in action. Knight of One is a freaking Lunatic. Opens one of the Black Knights Nightmareframes so that he can see the pilot, makes the pilot fear before drilling in his drill into the pilot. Evil Vampire!

And in some other news….the first 2 dvd’s for R2 are coming out 22nd August! Good news! From the advertisment, it comes with a whole load of extra, yes sucking you all in to buy it. Character Sketches, heck just buy it if you wanna find out!

Wow this episode was action packed. With Jeremiah under his lead, Lelouch was able to locate the Geass Cult, and destroy every little bit of research and people. Doing it for Shirley’s sake, as he tells C.C. I can’t believe Lelouch would actually kill off Rolo, just to blow up the Siegfried. But Rolo did kill Shirley, there was really no reason to kill Shirley, she just wanted to fight with Lelouch. With Siegfried gone and thanks to Cornelia, Rolo is still alive! V.V revealed that Rolo’s Geass is defective, it stops Rolo’s heart whenever he uses it! GG. Meanwhile Black Knights are slowly gaining other countries as allies. Now we’re left with Lelouch verses Charles. Don’t know what’s going to happen. I hope something cool happens.

Code Geass just keeps delivering!!

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