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I’ve previously (quite discretely)hinted  that I was going to do a Darker than BLACK database. In a nutshell, it will be the place to get all DTB information. When HSC is over, I’ll slowly compile character information, episode summaries and any related material.

Who has seen the premiere of DTB2? I’m surprised how quickly it was subbed. Two years ago,when DTB started,  I would wait weeks for a sub, ending up watching the RAW weeks before the subbed version.

CM to tempt you into watching even though you may be studying very hard.

Great start to a second season. New characters, new powers, and new payments. Tanya, able to command locusts at will, payment, ripping some of her hair off. . Goran, super-speed, payment, eating hamburgers, now who wouldn’t like that one! And Shion, power, unknown(but my guess, a spirit transformation, would explain his disappearance and his ‘telepathic’ communication with Suou), and payment,  living confined to a wheelchair).  So many more contractors and dolls to meet.

So bad-ass, I like it, though to people, portrays Hei as a baddy.

And it looks like we’ve got our November 11 replacement for this series, August 7th. More commonly known as the Magician, contract details currently unknown. Speculating time…his payment has definitely got to be, doing magic tricks. Power wise, AVADA KEDAVRA(jokes). According to the character profiles on the DTB2 site, magic is his weapon. What will he conjure for us =o

And, it is a 5day wait to the next episode T_T

Just more info. Mina Hazuki, the woman wearing the mouth guard/mask in the episode preview is a contractor. She is able to transform any object into a white katana. And her payment, from what I can translate from, is having a slutty sexy mood swing. Sounds wrong lol

Check out the DTB2 Site, while you wait 😀

After much commotion surrounding the leak document from BONES, it has been officially announced that there will be a second season of Darker than BLACK. Source via ANN.

BK201 from Darker than Black

This is great news for all us DTB fans. To be able to watch BK201 in action again will be awesome. However, what will the second season have installed for us? Will the story continue from where it left off? Most of our favourite contractors/characters killed off. Zhi Jun Wei, Huang, Mao, Amber. Will it follow Misaki’s team catching  contractors with their new found ways of detaining? Highly unlikely, I think. If the anime is directed this way, what will BK201’s significance be to the story?


To continue the story where the first season left off seems a bit weird. They would have to create scenario such as creating a new gate which would absolutely make no sense since there can only be a heaven’s and hell’s gate. This leads me to, will they direct the second season to detail the events prior to the first season? Heaven’s Gate was lightly touched upon the first season when we learnt about the past of Hei and Pai. We know little about the Gate and what happened. I can see that if they do choose to show what happened at the Heaven’s Gate, there will be considerable amounts of fight scenes, which are going to be very detailed and sharp. We will get to learn about the past of all our characters, how they came to be who they are, especially Hei!

Or it could follow the manga(one of them). I’ve only read one chapter of the DTB manga(the only chapter I’ve been able to get, I should probably try harder to find the other ones), and it didn’t quite follow the anime story so…

I’ve also had this thought that if they were going to make a second season, they would call it Brighter than White. And of course it would be about the Heaven’s Gate. Lame am I?


Anyway, let’s say I’m crying with excitement that there will be a second season of Darker than BLACK to look forward to.

Tim suggested this wonderful idea to blackout everything I couldn’t read on my Newtype Liftout Gate way to Full Metal Alchemist.’ Second time reading through these two pages and was able to pick out the more readings for the kanji. But in the end, the page is quite black.

Reading eventhough I don’t understand 50+% seems utterly stupid but it reinforces the reading of kanji as well as being able to grasp the meaning of the few sentences I can (partially)understand alot quicker. Quite the opposite when you read  ハンサムな先生’s writing, which I have to read two to three times(or even more) to understand.

Here are the non-blackout copies for your reading pleasure.

For those who are studying and want to improve in their language proficiency, should head over to Khazumoto’s All Japanese All The Time . Khazumoto is quite amazing, he’s been able to learn Business Japanese through what I call ‘Immersing yourself in the language.’ How a child learns his/her first language, is by living in the environment, listening, reading and speaking in a language 24/7. We, the seemingly busy students can’t possibly do something like this, the aim is to incorporate as much of the language into your daily routine. For example, listening to Jpop, learning a kanji a day, reading books , speaking to a Japanese friend in Japanese etc. In one of Khazumoto’s videos, he discusses this method, with the annoying Cantonese Dub version of DBZ playing in the background. Taking it to the extreme? Maybe but I believe the accumulation will assist you in improving in the language. For me I listen to Japanese Music (99% of my songs are Japanese), occasionally read Japanese manga( helps with kanji reading since furigana is provided), try to read the Japanese New Type, study Japanese at school(haven’t learnt much at school though in the past 2years), go to Japanese tuition where I do a heap load of writing,speaking and some listening practice, watching Gaki No Tsukai and Sekai HattemadeItteQ (Jap TV Shows) without subs(feel left out when I don’t understand a joke and they’re all laughing), thinking in Japanese (comes out subconsciously alot of the time ),study because I have to, MSNing with 一輝(I need to do this more often) and watching anime.

To measure your proficiency, you should take a language proficiency test. These only test grammar,vocabulary,reading and listening skills, so they aren’t a great indicator, but for certain jobs, you may required to take the test and having it handy won’t hurt. I passed level 3 JLPT last year and hoping to do level 2 in the near future!

So what do you do to improve your proficiency?

My newly acquired May issue of Newtype(will write up in a week) came along with these cute FMA bookmarks(しおり)/phone strap(ストラップ).

I find it funny that Edward is the same height as all of them. Untrue of his chibi nature.

I think I’ve made a few of you jealous. 🙂

I was on youtube the other night wanting to listen to YUI’s Again, the OP for Full Metal Alchemist. Used the search tool but could only find wanna-be YUI’s.

I was looking forward to hearing a full song. Kudos to them for trying. Second video is the best out of the ones I’ve seen.

Enjoy the real YUI. Single released 3rd June.

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